Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How's the weather?

People often talk about the weather...if it's cloudy and looks like it is going to rain...all of a sudden that is a hot conversation starter. Something like a rainy day can really set the tone of a day...for some, it makes us feel relaxed or comfy to hear the rain. For a farmer, it's a sign that the crops are being nurtured. And then some people just really don't like rainy weather, and it makes them feel down or frustrated for the hassle of getting out in the rain on that day. Personally, I love dark, rainy days. They've always soothed me or given me an excuse to stay snuggled up inside doing what I want...not that I couldn't do that on any other day, but it just gives the day a completely different feeling. Maybe I'll eventually move to Seattle where that type of weather is quite common, but then I'd probably miss the sunshine and decide too much of my good thing (rainy days) wouldn't be quite as special if they happened all the time.

The weather is one thing that people can't control, and maybe we're just amazed by the beauty of a sunny gorgeous day and a stormy dark day the next. Life can come sunny-side up, while grey clouds lurk in the background. Weather can change one day to the next and so can life situations, people's moods, and a person's entire reality. That's when you need that ray of sunshine and hope to surround you...whether it's through a stranger's smile, a joke on the radio, or a phone call from a friend. So, snuggle up tight...rain, snow, sun, or sleet. Set your own tone and appreciate a little greyness and all spectrums of the light. When looking at your own life, When the "weathermen" of the world report a 70% chance of rain, it's important to focus on that 30% of sunshine..... =)

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