Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Indulge Yourself.

When is the last time you really indulged in life? I'm not talking about an extra piece of pie or finding solace in a two hour nap. I'm talking about something gut-wrenching--putting yourself so far out there that you may never return to the same person you once were. Life is constantly changing. Who we are today does not predict who we have to be tomorrow. I think all too often we get in our nice little comfortable hamster nests--spinning our wheels, eating our crunchies, marking our territory.

Are we simply actors playing the starring role in our own lives? Are we being our authentic selves or are we so caught up in what we "should be" and just doing what is "expected of us." We gain responsibilities as we grow older and we don't want to let anyone down. But in the end, are we letting ourselves down by not taking risks--by not listening to that nagging voice to explore our hidden talents--are we becoming complacent in just doing the bare minimum to get by? Stop making excuses and start indulging in your truth, your happiness, and your joy. Love others--embrace the fun all around you. Lose yourself in the moments that make you whole.