Thursday, September 23, 2010


People think that the more life they live or the more they journey onward, that things will change and distance equals change. Well, to me it seems that the more time that goes on and the more things that come and go, the more we realize that some things really stay the same. No matter what happens in your life, you start and end with "you." What I mean is, you can't distance yourself from "yourself" no matter what you do...We surround ourselves with distractions from ourselves and we move forward and look back, and take two steps forward, and two steps sideways. In a sense, there is no escaping ourselves. We might think that some people come into our lives at the exact right moment, and we allow these people to be a big part of our lives...but in the end, no one else can save you from yourself, but you. When we get back to our own elements, when we are alone, when we really think about what we want and who we are...we might realize that what we thought we wanted, wasn't really what we wanted at all. We turn into people that we didn't know we could be. We reach potential that, several years ago, would have been foreign to us. We grow and mature not because time goes on, we don't have to grow or mature just because time passes. We become who we are because we want to, because we want to give something of ourselves to others and we want to do it for ourselves and our own wellbeing. We realize that we can self-destruct all on our own and be our own worst enemy if we let it. We change because we want to challenge ourselves and not become complacent. But in the end, we can't run from ourselves. We have to embrace our strengths, our weaknesses, our flaws, and our decisions. The farther we go in life, the more we realize that we can find comfort in being ourselves.

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