Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Coping with Things Beyond Your Control.

When life throws a curve ball or the unexpected happens, it is important to stick together to carry one another to the other side. Life is far from easy and far from being fair. Never lose hope...and never lose each other. Sometimes things happen which can bring people closer together. Sometimes it takes all we have to fight, persevere, and gradually move forward one day at a time. Find comfort in a friend, reveal a part of yourself to a loved one which leaves you feeling vulnerable but more open than ever before. When we're too hard on ourselves, we eventually break down.

What gives you comfort? Is it the smile on someone's it the warm embrace of a it quiet time with your own thoughts or pillow. It is hard to accept things for what they are sometimes, but in the end we can do our best to grow from each experience and try not to blame ourselves. We can find peace and we don't always have to understand everything. Obstacles and challenges seem like they are in our way all the time. Give thanks for the times that are smooth sailing, for those times can give you the courage and strength to keep going. We never know exactly what anyone else is going through, so it is always important to be patient, be kind, be gentle with people's hearts and minds.